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Cloud Chasers

Posted by Courtney McElligott on

Lots of people enjoy vaping and want to chase clouds. Beginners may face difficulty in finding out the best vape mods for clouds. Experienced vapers who have recently developed interest in chasing clouds may also face this difficulty. They all need guidance about how to find the right products that can help them chase clouds.

Basic Information

Three main factors affect the cloud size like conductivity, adequate power supply and air flow. If any of these factors do not perform to the required level, people cannot get the kind of clouds they want. There are some mods producing better conductivity than others. Similarly some mods’ power supply is not sufficient for any type of cloud chasing. A mod needs to have plenty of holes for getting a good air flow. If air flow is interrupted due to any reason, vapers would fail to get the desired results.

Mechanical Mods Versus Regulated Mods

Generally, mechanical mods work better for cloud chasing than regulated mods. But some regulated systems work relatively well even for novice vapers. Sometimes a solid regulated system will function better for a beginner. Use of a regulated mod is sometimes more effective. This is because though mechanical mods perform better overall, they can be testy and somewhat difficult to operate safely by the not so experienced vapers. Additionally, batteries on mechanical rods can be dangerous if not operating properly. Vapers need more battery power for chasing clouds, so they should safely use batteries. At times, people failed to use battery safely and got hurt due to this. As stressed upon earlier, any mechanical rods being used must have adequate vent holes along with decent connectivity or they would not work that well.


To attain success in your cloud chasing endeavors, you also need to know more about some other components used in vaping. You should choose the right size of wire, opt for a powerful battery that can handle sub-ohming and go with a juice with a lot of VG. 

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