WARNING: This product contains nicotine.
Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

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Flavor Concentrate

Price: $3.74

eJuice DIY Flavor Concentrate


Best DIY eJuice Flavor Concentrate! Have you ever wanted to try DIY Ejuice and mixing your own vape liquid?

If you have the creativity and desire to make your own eJuices, Central Vapors has the E Juice Flavoring here and the DIY supplies you need to get started.

E Juice Flavoring Available in the following sizes:

10ml    30ml    50ml     250ml 

Give it a shot! Flavor concentrates are also great for simply adding an extra few drops of to an E-Liquid you already have for an extra boost in flavor. To get started, Simply choose the concentrate flavor(s) from the above drop down menu and select a bottle size. DIY flavor concentrate is just as it sounds... very concentrated. So typically you wont need too much to get your desired boost in flavor and you'll want to be conservative in the amount of concentrate you add to your mix, until you know what the right level for you is.

When mixing your own ejuice, we recommend adding a few drops of DIY Flavor concentrate in between vaping your mix before adding additional drops. Keep in mind that adding excessive amounts of DIY concentrate doesn't always mean better flavor. Adding too much concentrate can lead to an overpowering and unpleasant tasting Ejuice so take your time and most importantly have fun!

All of Central Vapors premixed ready to vape e-liquid flavors you see available on our site, are also available here in DIY concentrate. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us, at Central Vapors we take pride in offering only the best DIY Flavor Concentrates to our customers and if your experience was anything thing other than perfection, we'd like to know about it.


Mixing Info and Usage Rates

Our flavor concentrates are comprised of 100% Propylene Glycol (PG).  For confidentiality reasons and the well being of our company, we do not give out exact recipes for any of our flavors however below is our recommended usage rates. 

  • Menthols / Mints 0%-10%
  • Fruits 11%-20%
  • Desserts/Cream - 21%- 25%

We also suggest downloading a ejuice mixing calculator, such as - Ejuice Me Up


Things to know about our concentrates 


Concentrates labeling will have a nicotine warning statement, but they do NOT contain any nicotine. See FDA statement below.

As it relates to how a zero nicotine product may be regulated, it depends.  Generally, if your zero-nicotine product is not made or derived from tobacco, it may still be a tobacco product subject to FDA regulation if it is intended or reasonably expected to be used with or for the human consumption of a tobacco product; or intended or reasonably expected to alter the performance, composition, constituents, or characteristics of a tobacco product (with certain exceptions relating to controlling moisture or temperature for storage and initiating external heat source), your product is subject to FDA regulation. 


Bottle Sizing

 The 250ml size does not have a dropper top, you may need a needle tip bottle or syringes to get the liquid out of the bottle. Also note some flavors such as CINNAMON, GRAPEFRUIT, LEMONADE AND CERTAIN PINEAPPLE FLAVORS CAN CRACK PLASTIC TANKS, PLEASE REFER TO THE SPECIFIC FLAVOR'S PAGE TO CHECK. For larger wholesale DIY Flavor Concentrate sizes, please contact us.


Bulk Policy 

We do not provide refunds or replacements for the 250ml size, please make sure to purchase a smaller size first (10-50ML) prior to ordering this size.


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