is vaper’s tongue, what causes it? And how you can fix it!
If you have been vaping for a
while, or have ramped up your vaping, then
chances are high that you have experienced vapers tongue. At first, you
may not even realize that you’re suffering from vapers tongue. The early signs
are that your favorite e-liquid or e-juice just won’t be tasting as good as it
has in the past. It doesn’t necessarily last long, one to three days is normal,
anything else than that could be a concern. Most vapers are going to experience
it throughout their vaping lives, and
there are some simple solutions to help you overcome it.
If you ever smoked traditional
cigarettes, then you would have experienced something similar, albeit on a much
more severe scale. Your sense of smell will be affected,
and it’s largely your nose and olfactory exhaustion which causes the diminished
sense of taste. You may not notice vapors tongue
in its early stages but will generally notice it once it becomes more severe.
Some of the most common causes of
vapors tongue and how to fix them:
Too much
of your favorite e-liquid or e-juice flavor – If you have been hitting the
same flavor of e-liquid for a long period of
time, your taste buds can become desensitized.
It may be time
to give it a break. Try switching up to an e-liquid flavor that is the opposite to whatever you’re vaping. If
you’re hitting a lot of creams or vanillas, try a fruit or citrus e-liquid. This will shock your taste buds and help you to
regain your sense of taste.
e-liquid or e-juice – That e-liquid and e-juice won’t last forever! If you
have been using a large bottle of e-liquid, then the flavor may have
degenerated due to age or incorrect storage.
Keep your
e-liquid stored in a cool, dark environment and always make sure that the cap
is secured tightly to prevent exposure to air. If it’s getting old, it may be
time to toss it and grab a new bottle! If you can’t finish a bottle of e-liquid
before it expires, then it may be a better idea to purchase smaller bottles.
traditional cigarettes – If you’re a dual vaper
and smoker, then those cigarettes could be affecting your sense of taste and
smell. It’s common knowledge that extended use of cigarettes will diminish your
ability to taste and smell.
Why not get rid
of the cigarettes completely and see if your smell and taste buds recover?
– Water is much more important than we give it credit for, and no, energy
drinks are not a replacement for water! Dehydration can cause a dry mouth and
can affect your sense of smell and taste.
Make sure that
you ask a health professional how much water you should be consuming daily.
Colds, flu, and medication – If you’re sick with
the flu or a cold, or you are taking medication, it can affect how your regular
e-liquid or e-juice tastes.
Once you stop
taking the medication or you’re starting to get healthy again, your taste buds
and sense of smell should recover. It’s important to speak to your health care
professional before stopping or changing medication.