WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. |
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CASAA (The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association) is an organization in Washington, DC that has dedicated themselves to amplifying the voices of the vapers that they represent. It has been their mission to inform and encourage the consumer-base of the vaping industry to take part in several different actions that could help save the industry.
They have a list of steps on their homepage titled, "2 Things You Can Do Right Now To Save Vaping!", and here are some of those steps:
(1) Your Right to Vape ake Action! Engage with officials regarding federal legislation and regulation affecting your access to low-risk alternatives to smoking.
(2) Join CASAA! It’s easy, it’s free, and we will keep you up to date on information and opportunities to take action to protect your access to vapor products.
The Right to be Smoke-Free Coalition is a non-profit, industry-led trade association of e-vapor businesses dedicated to promoting the interests of the industry by advocating for reasonable and responsible laws and regulations, and fighting for the right of vapers to be smoke-free.
The Right to be Smoke-Free Coalition works with expert legal counsel and the broader industry to develop comprehensive litigation strategies to challenge unlawful Federal and State Laws and Regulations. Our current activities and information will be updated periodically. To join the fight please contribute to become a member of the Coalition.
Our Coalition is positioned to enforce and defend the industry, and we need your help. Lawsuits of these nature are costly and we expect vigorous defense against our efforts. If you are an industry advocate, e-liquid producer, device manufacturer, vape shop owner or internet retailer that believes in responsible and appropriate regulations, you can join the Coalition or contribute to the cause.