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How To Store Your E-Liquid To Make It Last Longer

Posted by Courtney McElligott on

Best way to store ejuice and eliquids

How to keep your Ejuice and Eliquids Stored to last

Many vapers are curious to know what they need to do to make their e-liquid last longer and taste as good as the day it was bought. Taking care of your e-liquid is pretty simple, there are a few steps to make sure that your eliquid will stay fresh for a long time.

The Right Place To Store It

The most important thing to focus upon is to store your e-liquid in a cool dark place that it remains out of reach for children and pets.

If you have the ingredients for mixing your own customized e-liquids, then you should be aware of the fact that base liquids (VG/PG) without any flavor are going to last for up to two years if kept in a cool dry place. However, after introduction of the flavor, the e-liquid may not last as long. This typically is not much of a concern for most vapers if they have bought or created great ejuice. As we know great ejuice will rarely last longer than a two weeks. So, even though you most likely will vape it before it goes bad, you should make sure that anything you use currently is kept at a place which is away from direct light and heat. By following these tips, you can keep your e-juice as fresh as possible so you will be able to enjoy it for a long time.

The Significance Of Propylene Glycol

As e-liquid is affected by light and heat, it is quite important you store e-liquid which you do not plan to vape soon in a cool dark place, the pantry or even the refrigerator are good options. If your e-liquid is mainly made from propylene glycol, then it is going to last longer than others. This longer lasting property results from PG being a natural bacteria killer and virus killer. This means that PG liquids would not get affected by viruses and bacteria, and so the e-liquid will not undergo degradation.

Facts To Know About Vegetable Glycerin

On the other hand, other component of e-liquid called vegetable glycerin has to be dealt with a bit differently. Vegetable glycerin is an ingredient in some e-liquids and it is used for producing thicker vapor clouds. If you are fond of thick clouds, it is highly likely that you vape ejuice with a higher vegetable glycerin content.

Although it lasts long, VG liquid needs to be stored more carefully than PG for the long term. But the fact to be considered here is that it is more prone to degradation by microorganisms if it is stored for a longer time. Although this rarely happens with professionally mixed e-juice, you can make out it has gone bad if the flavor becomes extremely dark or no longer tastes the same. The thing to keep in mind here is that this will happen only if you fail to store the e-liquid properly. Also consider the fact that even nicotine can undergo degradation on account of being exposed to light and heat, so whether you have got PG or VG e-liquids, you should always store them in a proper manner.

The Way You Can Increase The Life Of Your E-Juice

If you do not want to use a supply of e-juice for a long time span, you can stock a large quantity of it in a refrigerator. This would significantly increase the life of these items. If you want your ejuice to last and you initially got it in a plastic bottle for consuming it immediately, it would be better to transfer it into a glass bottle. Although most e-liquids are sold for vaping immediately, glass storage bottles are preferred for keeping the e-liquid in good condition for a time period longer than 2 years. Even though most companies use plastic bottles that are certified for non-leaching properties it’s always still recommended that you should avoid storing e-liquids in plastic bottles. 

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