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Make DIY Vape Juice | DIY eJuice Mixing

Posted by Courtney McElligott on

MAKE DIY VAPE JUICE: Get FREE Calculator for DIY eJuice Mixing

People don't often give things away for free, but we do! We're sharing this Ejuice Recipe Calculator and offer Free download and support if you have questions. So, if you've ever thought about creating your DIY vape juice, check out this free calculator.

Creating your own juice can be overwhelming the very first time. This calculator takes the mystery out of it for you, telling you exactly how much of what ingredient to add. Once you get the hang of creating your own EJuice, you may find that making your own vape liquid costs much less than purchasing it already made.


Mixing DIY ejuce also doesn't have to be made from scratch. Many people purchase premade vape liquid and add a few drops of eJuice Flavor Concentrate to boost the flavor!

In all cases, the eJuice calculator is available for Free download on Central Vapors if you're interested in mixing your vape from scratch or adding a little flavor boost.

If you have any questions about the eJuice calculator, feel free to contact our friendly Central Vapors support team by phone, email, or Chat with us Live on Centralvapors.com

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